Personal Trainers

Tracy Vallier, Regional Supervisor of Fitness

Top 3 Qualifications

  • YMCA Personal Trainer
  • YMCA Group Fitness Instructor
  • BoneFit 

As a mother, once both my children entered school, I finally took some time for myself. That meant joining a gym and finding an instant love of fitness classes. Within six months I had my first fitness certification and decided to change careers. Over the 10+ years in this industry I continue to grow and gain new certifications and education credits. I specialize in modification and progression. Many of my clients are recovering from injuries, new to fitness, senior, or special populations.    

Cass Leduc, Team Lead of Fitness


Top 3 Qualifications

  • PWR! Moves Instructor for Parkinson's Disease
  • Group Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
  • Exercise and Diabetes

I was fortunate to grow up with an active lifestyle. This has always left me in good spirits and I was able to develop many skills while being active. I wanted to share that passion with others. My approach to training is always "one step at a time." Many of us have a goal when it comes to working out and being active. It's never a straight line to get to that point, but with hard work, you will get there. I specialize in cardiovascular and strength training, and I work with clients of all ages and all different abilities.

Axl Heyman, Team Lead of Fitness


Top 3 Qualifications

  • YMCA Group Fitness Instructor
  • Fitness and Health Promotion Honours Graduate (Algonquin College)
  • CSEP (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology) Certified Personal Trainer

When I was 11 years old, I had my first visit to the YMCA. At the time, one of the trainers gave me a tour of the facility and introduced me to the cardio equipment. I remember being in awe of this person thinking he was the coolest guy ever. I knew at that moment, one day I was going to be just like him. Ever since then I have strived to make fitness a priority in my everyday life, and now I am excited to make it part of yours as well! My approach to training is to tailor a plan based on getting to know each clients and understand their individual needs. Everyone is unique and so is their fitness plan. I work with all age groups. I am able to provide clients with written, verbal, and visual instructions to ensure that their styles of learning needs are met. My specialties are: strength, endurance, hypertrophy, sport-specific and mobility training.

Michael Smith, MSc


Top 3 Qualifications

  • Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

I came to my current passion as a personal trainer when a company shutdown caused me to explore new career opportunities.  Since I had been on my own personal fitness journey since age 15, I felt I was in a great position to help others achieve their fitness goals. My approach to training is based on functionality. Whether your goal is to become better at your sport, have more energy to play with your kids or just be safely active into your later years, we will develop a training plan that suits your purpose. My specialties are: conditioning, functional strength, core stability, balance, mind-muscle connection and weight control. I have worked with clients from 10 to 72 years old, and from athletes to physically and/or developmentally challenged individuals. The key to anyone’s success is designing specific, appropriate exercise for them.

Hellen Bennett


Top 3 Qualifications

  • Ontario Fitness Council (OFC) Personal Trainer
  • BoneFit
  • Yoga certified

Having played competitive sports for over 40 years it was a natural progression into personal training. When working with my clients I consider functional movements, building strength and mobility, keeping life’s everyday activities in mind. Injury recovery and fitness for the aging population are my specialties. I work with athletes, business professionals and seniors. Every day is a good day to get to the gym for your workout. 

Emmet Heyman


Top 3 Qualifications

  • YMCA Group Fitness Instructor
  • Fitness & Health Promotion Honours Graduate (Algonquin College)
  • CSEP (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology) Certified Personal Trainer

I started working out in my early high school days so I could gain muscle and size. As I got more into it, I started to benefit from all the other rewards that physical activity has to offer. My goal now is to help others reap the same benefits and become better, healthier versions of themselves. Getting into fitness can be intimidating at first. I can assure you we will take it at the right pace for you with assessments to make sure you start your fitness journey and continue at your pace. My strengths are exercise mechanics, sport-specific exercise, strength, hypertrophy, endurance and mobility training. I also have taught kickboxing to all age groups can incorporate that into your training, if that interests you.

Ben Wheeler, NASM CPT


Top 3 Qualifications

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine - Corrective Exercise Specialization (NASM-CES)
  • American Aerobic Association International/International Sports Medicine Association - Certified Personal Trainer (AAAI/ISMA-CPT)

As a former athlete, I always knew that I wanted to stay active and healthy. However, it wasn't until I started working as a personal trainer that I truly found my passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals. I specialize in helping clients gain strength and build muscle and work with clients who are looking to lose weight and improve their overall health. I have experience working with clients of all ages, from teenagers looking to get in shape for sports, busy adults trying to stay healthy and fit, to seniors looking to maintain their independence and vitality. I pride myself on my ability to adapt to the needs of each individual client and provide the support and guidance they need to reach their goals. I love the feeling of seeing my clients progress and reach their goals, and I find great satisfaction in knowing that I am making a positive impact on their lives. Working as a personal trainer has not only allowed me to stay active and healthy, but it has also given me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Aldrine de Castro


Top 3 Qualifications

  • Fitness & Health Promotion Graduate - St. Lawrence College
  • Certified Personal Trainer - International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • Nutritionist Certification - International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

Throughout my life I have always been involved in sports, including, soccer, football, volleyball and basketball, which I truly love. I discovered my passion for personal training when I signed up for sessions with a fitness trainer. It helped me to be more active and knowledgeable about fitness. As a fitness professional, I work with clients of all ages. My program planning incorporates movements that you would use in daily life, such as building upper and lower body strength, and overall fitness flexibility or mobility to build a strong foundation. I specialize in strength, conditioning, mobility and sport-specific training.

Luna Mori


Top 3 Qualifications

  • YMCA individual conditioning
  • WaterART fitness instructor
  • YMCA group fitness

Since I was child, I’ve always liked sports and being active. I also like to learn new things and I have learned different types of exercise such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting and more. My approach to fitness is to always make it efficient and focus on functional exercises to keep you moving! I specialize in Aquatic Personal Training for seniors or those who have limitations on land, HIIT conditioning and basic olympic lifting. I’ve worked with adults, seniors, people with limitations and teenagers.

Sheila Elsey


Top 3 Qualifications

  • Group Fitness Instructor
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • YMCA Strength and Conditioning

I was lucky to grow up playing sports and being active outside. I love how I feel when my body can meet the demands I put on it. But I also have had times where I’ve struggled with my weight and how I felt about my body. As a busy adult with work and family obligations, I found that YMCA classes kept me motivated and engaged with my fitness in timeframes I could manage. Those classes were the springboard into a love of fitness training.

I became an instructor to help others reach their own goals in a fun and challenging way. Get in, work hard, have a laugh, get out and on with your day! As a goal-oriented person, I love to set an intention, lay out the path, and work hard to make it a reality. Personal training is a way that I can meet you where you’re at, help you figure out what makes you tick, what gets you excited about working out, and work alongside you to hit your objectives. My personal focus is on compound, whole-body movements, efficient strength training and functional fitness. My long-term goal is to get more women into the weight room: it’s so good for us to lift heavy! My favourite parts of the YMCA gym? Kettlebells, circuit strength training and the post-workout coffee at Breaking Ground Cafe.

Dave Roewade


Top Qualifications

  • Group Fitness Instructor (Cardio & Strength)
  • Personal Training

With over 35 years of experience in weightlifting, cross-training, and amateur athletics, I transitioned from group fitness instruction to personal training to offer tailored fitness guidance. I appreciate the YMCA's support for professional growth, which in turn benefits members seeking optimal exercise results through personal trainers.

I adopt a holistic approach, viewing the body as an interconnected system. Achieving lasting fitness results demands proper technique and patience, avoiding injury while ensuring continuous improvement. My focus spans cardio, strength, and core training. I continuously learn about rehabilitative exercises and fitness for aging adults, acknowledging unique health challenges and necessary exercise adjustments. My clientele varies from older adults and individuals rebuilding their fitness, to amateur athletes seeking performance enhancement in sports and outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, or triathlons.

Ron Pangan


Top 3 Qualifications

  • Fitness and Health Promotion Graduate at SLC
  • Certified Personal Trainer- International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • Group Fitness Instructor- International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

After finishing high school, I started weightlifting and concentrated on compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Wanting to expand my knowledge in fitness, I applied to SLC's Fitness and Health Promotion Program. While studying there, I chose to become a Personal Trainer to share my expertise with those interested in a healthy lifestyle.

My training approach centers on Full Body Training. This includes full-body circuits, mobility exercises, muscle strengthening using compound lifts, and making progress every week by modifying exercises, adding weights, adjusting the tempo, or increasing repetitions.

I have expertise in Nutrition and Hypertrophy training, which involves building muscles and managing weight. I have also led and taught classes for seniors focusing on fall prevention.

I have spent a considerable time working with seniors and have learned much from these experiences. I have trained the general population too, helping them achieve goals like weight loss or muscle gain. Additionally, I have worked with athletes aiming to boost their sports performance through methods like plyometrics, isometric exercises, and strength and conditioning.