YMCA of Eastern Ontario

Building healthy communities

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🎾 Affordable childcare, tennis courts, swim lessons, summer camp & a golf tournament News Update

Greetings All,

I hope that you and your families had a great Easter, Passover or Eid; it is nice to see more smiling faces in our facilities. It has been some time since my last weekly summary, but we have so much going on that I wanted to provide an update.

A visit from members of our federal government

This week we hosted Minister Bill Blair and MP Mark Gerretsen in Kingston where they toured our facilities met with Brittiney and Jill, and spent time with the children in childcare. They met with me to discuss the importance of the successful launch of the affordable child care initiative, our expertise in program delivery and the partnerships we’ve created. It provided an opportunity for me to advocate that regardless of the level of government, the YMCA must have a major leadership role in planning and executing various community priorities that governments wish to address. Later, Minister Blair met with local media and expressed appreciation for our expertise in fostering positive outcomes for children in our care, acknowledging your Y’s leadership role in helping children in our care thrive. I should note, aside from meeting with Mayor of Kingston, the YMCA was the minister’s only stop. Thanks to all who helped getting this coordinated on such short notice!

Brockville Y tennis courts

Childcare wasn’t the only activity on our plate, however. Demolition of the tennis courts in Brockville began this week. This work is based on the money we have received to convert the old tennis courts into an area that enables broader use and accommodates more ability levels and ages. We will be posting updates on social media throughout this project; check back from time-to-time to witness the changes. Thanks to all who worked on the grant applications and the facilities team who are coordinating the work being done now.


Throughout this week, I have been assisting our Board Governance Committee in conducting potential board member interviews. This year’s crop of interested volunteers is a strong roster of community volunteers and I am confident that the successful applicants will be great additions to an already skilled board. I also attended a Kingston Chamber of Commerce Advocacy Committee meeting, met with some potential donors this week, and attended a Youth Homelessness Meeting hosted by the United Way in Kingston. Our new director of fund development and relationships, Amy Kirkland, and I met with members of the Gananoque Town Council on programming options in for all ages, particularly for youth and seniors. More details on this will follow.

Summer camps & swim lessons

Registration for summer camps is now open. Our annual Send a Kid to Camp fundraiser will be underway next month. If you are able, please consider a donation to help a child attend summer camp and build skills and memories that can last a lifetime.

We will also be offering swim lessons this summer. Information will follow next month.

Gord Brown Memorial Golf Tournament

In case you have not heard yet, we are co-hosting our very first fundraising golf tournament on August 17, 2022, at Smugglers Glen, in partnership with the United Way. This event is shaping up to be a great day of fellowship and financial gift giving. The registration link is available now and soon announcements will be made relating to the celebrity guests that will be joining us for the entire day! Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

Vaccination clinics

We are continuing our partnership with Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit by running two vaccination clinics this week at Brockville Y. These clinics will continue to be offered until such time as the health unit no longer requires the space.

Next week’s agenda

Monday – Kingston a.m.: City of Kingston meeting, board candidate interviews / Brockville p.m.: vaccination clinic

Tuesday – Kingston a.m.: City of Kingston meetings, meeting with transitional housing experts / Brockville p.m.: Board candidate interviews

Wednesday – Brockville: YMCA Ontario Childcare Roundtable Meeting, board candidate Interviews, YMCA Ontario Surge Panel Meeting

Thursday – Brockville: Community meetings on site

Friday – Offsite

On a personal note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM! This weekend Jean, Declan and I will be travelling to my hometown of Woodstock Ontario, to celebrate my mom’s 83 birthday! And, like me, chocolate cake is her favourite!


Rob Adams
CEO, YMCA of Eastern Ontario