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COVID-19 Update: School closures

March 13, 2020  5 p.m.

As you have no doubt heard, the province has closed schools for the two-week period following March Break.

Without access to these facilities, and in keeping with the intent of government to minimize the opportunities for transmission of COVID-19, we will be suspending school-age care programs between March 23 to April 3. We will not be offering other additional day camp programs during this time.

If you have a child in school-age care with the YMCA of Eastern Ontario, you will have the option to request either a refund for the affected period or a similar credit to be used toward next month’s fees.

We want to assure you that the health and safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. We have been following all protocols set out by the Ministry as well as our local public health units to ensure the safety of your child and will be monitoring this situation as it continues to unfold.

For questions or to request a refund or credit, please contact:

Brockville: Christina Davis at

Kingston: Bev Blakey at

Thank you for your patience during this difficult time. We will work through this together.

For up-to-date and accurate information, please visit:


Rob Adams
CEO, YMCA of Eastern Ontario