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Program registration & changes YMCA News

Program registration

We are pleased to have launched our 2022 Winter/Spring program guide with registration planned for December 21 at 8 a.m. (Update: Registration is now expected for January 2022)

We encourage you to register online to avoid crowding and line-ups on registration day. If you haven’t used the membership portal, please visit it in advance of registration day to familiarize yourself with the process. You can find a link to the portal and instructions on how to register here. For everyone’s health and safety, should crowding be an issue, we will have to discontinue in-person registration.

Potential program changes

On a related topic, you have probably heard about new public health restrictions including the need for individuals to self-isolate, regardless of vaccination status, if they are considered to be a contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

This is having an affect on all businesses and organizations, as will any other changes that either the provincial government or public health announce in the coming days and weeks.

Our teams are doing everything they can to continue operating as usual, however, there have already been some cancellations and there are likely to be more.

Please watch the news page of our website for all program updates and follow us on social media.

Give the gift of health

If you are looking for a thoughtful and unique gift, your YMCA of Eastern Ontario has created something for you - a gift card for 5 FREE days at your Y. Next time you're in, pick up a card at the front desk and help that special someone get 2022 off to a healthy start. The card is good for 5 FREE visits throughout January. Conditions apply.

Year-end giving

If you are considering making a charitable donation before the end of the year to take advantage of a tax receipt for 2021, please consider donating to your YMCA. Your gift supports our financial assistance program, helping all who would not otherwise be able to participate in healthy programs and services. Among others, this provides teens in our communities, with access to safe spaces, healthy food and positive role models; isolated seniors with mobility challenges, with better health outcomes and social connections; and kids with positive life skills at Y programs and camps. If you are in a position to give, thank you on behalf of your community! Your donation may be made here.