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Important message: Covid Protocols Update YMCA News

Important message: Covid Protocols Update

As a follow-up to yesterday’s email and with the recent announcements by the provincial government and KFLA Public Health, we are providing this update on how the new rules will apply to your visit at the YMCA.

Brockville & Kingston

  • 50% capacity is now in place.
  • Capacity limits will be posted in each area.
  • This will have little to no impact on your enjoyment of the Y as we were already monitoring capacity.
  • Winter program registration has been postponed to January 2022. In the meantime, please register for your online account on our registration portal. You can find all the info you need here.
    • Please note "registration" does not refer to drop-in programs but to registered programs described in the Winter/Spring program guide.


  • All updates will be shared as LGL Health Unit or provincial regulations are changed.


New rules for health & safety

  • Wear a mask at all times when not actively working out and/or when you cannot maintain physical distance
  • Maintain 6’ or 3m distance
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Sanitize machines & equipment before & after use
  • Capacity limits are in place. Check limits posted in each area including locker rooms.
  • No contact sports including pick-up basketball. Individual practice is allowed.
  • Gym users must sign-in at the front desk

Our employees continue to do everything they can to maintain operations to as near normal as is possible. Changes, including possible cancellations or reduced hours are likely to occur over time.

For day-to-day program updates, please watch the news page of our website.

Your patience as we navigate through the pandemic is appreciated.