YMCA of Eastern Ontario

Building healthy communities

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Rob's Blog Re-opening and exploring how we serve

Hello Everyone:

I hope that you have had a chance to enjoy some of the milder temperatures this week. Spring has been in the air!

This week was a busy one for all of us at the YMCA as we get our “re-opening” legs, but I have seen our members smiling with relief that they have the YMCA to come to. Childcare continues to be providing unbelievable care and comfort to our kids and their caregivers. Our teen drop-in program is running at capacity, as is our new Mobile Y program in Sydenham. These are just a few examples of what is happening at your Y.

This week, I participated in YMCA Canada call where I was asked to join fellow colleagues in conducting a virtual review of another member association in Northern Ontario, beginning next week. On Tuesday, I participated in a RDC Covid Tactical Roundtable, met with our partners at Pathways to Education and was interviewed by CBC TV who were doing a story about our partnership – and the support we receive – from the Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund. Wednesday brought more meetings as I met with the Mayor of Gananoque and the United Way about launching a supported teen program that they are hopeful the YMCA will run. I also met with the City of Kingston and toured a vacant facility to look at how we could enter the transitional housing arena.

Exploring how we might be of service in the important endeavour of providing housing to vulnerable individuals is one example of new initiatives we are discussing with a number of municipalities in Eastern Ontario.


Next Week’s Schedule:

Monday to Thursday: YMCA Association Review

Other highlights next week include: meetings with the Youth Community Round Table, the YMCA Federation Development Taskforce, and a meeting to discuss transportation for rural seniors to receive vaccinations.

Thanks everyone for all that you do.

Have a great weekend!


Rob Adams 
Chief Executive Officer