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The Importance of Social Connections Seeking new members for our board of directors

Dear Friends of the YMCA:

The need to socially distance that we have endured for the past two years has taken its toll on many if not all of us. I recognize that I now feel a deeper sense of gratitude for the people in my life and for the ability to re-connect with them.

The Canadian Mental Health Association says that being connected actually lowers anxiety and depression and builds our immune systems. “By neglecting our need to connect,” they say, “we put our health at risk.”

This serves to prove just how important human connection is to us. Without it, our mental and physical health suffers. I’m sure that you have seen this in your own lives throughout the pandemic.

As Covid restrictions begin to ease, we can feel a sense of excitement in the air that hasn’t been felt in some time. For some, this may also be mixed with some anxiety about what fewer restrictions will mean for us in the longer term and whether we’re rushing into the new normal too quickly. I too am feeling this conflict.

With Family Day on the horizon, however, I am looking forward to spending an extra day with Jean and Declan whose love and support buoys me. I hope you are able to find a way in which you feel comfortable to connect or re-connect with those you love – whomever they may be – to get a happiness boost.

Recruitment for Board of Directors

On another important note, we have launched recruitment for new board members as many of our board terms are coming to an end. We are very excited about this opportunity to reach into our communities in hopes of becoming more representative of the people we serve. Diversity is a superpower – one that we hope to make ours. We believe in the mission of the YMCA and know how important our work is to the many people we serve, but we also know that we can do better in seeking skills and points-of-view that help to provide a broader perspective. If you are interested in serving with your Y, please consider applying to be on our board. You will find the application here.

If you would like to discuss being on our board, I would be happy to speak with you.

I wish you all a happy long weekend and hope you find time to embrace people in your social circle in whatever way you are comfortable.

Rob Adams
CEO, YMCA of Eastern Ontario