YMCA of Eastern Ontario

Building healthy communities

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New Requirements for Red Level Protocols

March 20, 2021

Dear Members and Friends of the YMCA:

Yesterday, the province announced that Leeds, Grenville and Lanark counties will be moving into red zone Covid-19 protocols effective Monday, March 23.

This will cause a change in our operations at Brockville YMCA.

Under red-zone measures, the following will be in place:

  • Screening, wearing masks, and proper sanitization and hand hygiene rules remain in place. This includes wearing masks at all times unless using cardio equipment, participating in a fitness class or while swimming.
  • Safe physical distancing increases to 3 m or 9 ft.
  • Pre-registration for all access to the facility. Anyone coming to the Y will have to register in advance to ensure their space no matter what area they wish to attend.  
  • All classes, including Aquafit, will be limited to 10 per class.
  • Lane swims will be limited to four per lane, assuming physical distancing can be maintained.
  • All rooms/areas are restricted to 10 persons each.
  • A time limit of 75 minutes in our facility is in place.
  • Pickleball will be limited to singles play only.
  • Spectators are not allowed except for one parent or guardian per child.
  • Change rooms will be for pool users only. Physical distancing must be maintained.

While it remains technically possible to register when you arrive at the Y, with space limitations in effect, there is a strong possibility that you may be turned away if an area has reached the provincial limit. No matter which area you wish to visit, we strongly recommend registering in advance to hold your spot.

Registration is new for all of us and we may encounter a few technical glitches along the way, requiring patience. Please reach out to our staff for assistance. They will be happy to answer your questions or to assist.

We aim to have registration open at noon on Sunday for access beginning on Monday. You are able to book up to four days into the future.

We understand the importance that physical activity has on our mental wellbeing, which is one of the many reasons we are working to keep your Y open in hope that these extra restrictions will be short-lived.

Our commitment to offer our programs and services to our community, which includes access to pools, at a time when other facilities have shuttered their doors permanently, presents us with difficult decisions as the pandemic evolves.

There is a delicate balance in ensuring the safety of everyone in our facility and the financial viability of our Y into the future. Right now, maintaining your Y membership and providing support to help us continue to serve you is more important than ever. Please consider continuing your Y membership and, if you are in a position to give to your Y, visiting our website to donate.

I know these are difficult times for everyone. Our staff is putting in a massive effort to continue to serve you, and your patience and understanding is appreciated.


Rob Adams
CEO, YMCA of Eastern Ontario